The golden chain of Female Deity
Today is Supreme Goddesses Lorena’s birthday. On my knees i want to congratulate Her on this occasion. And as Her slave i want to thank Her for She is such a good Mistress to me. On Her Lorenaism calendar September 8 is one of the most important Holy Days. Of course, Her slaves and worshippers want this to be an important day, because they love their Mistress and Goddess. But there is more… September 8 is in the catholic church also celebrated as the birthday of the Virgin Mary, and in an even more ancient tradition, it is also the birthday of the Egyptian Goddess Isis. So through Her birthday Supreme Goddess Lorena is linked to other Divine Women. So, celebrating Her birthday is also celebrating the Golden Chain of Female Deity that runs through history.
A day of devotion and joy
So, for Her worshippers this is truly a day of devotion. But of course it is a day of cheer joy too. Supreme Goddess Lorena likes to celebrate Her birthday, She likes receiving gifts from Her slaves, She likes eating birthday cake, She likes going to a nice restaurant with Her Girl Friends this day to have a delicious meal. And She likes to share Her joy with Her slaves. I feel thrilled to day, because it will be the first time i celebrate Her birthday with Her. Yes, i feel i will be celebrating with Her, although an ocean and a continent keeps us apart. Technically, while i am writing this it is even not yet Her birthday where She lives, whereas where i live, the sun already has risen on this beautiful day of September 8.
The complete person
i realize that until now i haven’t written much about Supreme Goddess Lorena herself. Because this day is all about Her, it is a good occasion to do it. If i had only one short sentence to say something about Her, i simply would say: ‘Supreme Goddess Lorena is a complete person’. This says everything, and it says nothing at the same time. So i take sometime to explain what i mean by that simple sentence.
Her pictures
The best way to start is probably to have a look at Her pictures. Because that is what most of you do first when you visit Her website. And that is what i did too, when i first met Her through the internet. As you will discover, Supreme Goddess Lorena loves posing while She wears very different attires. She is wonderful as a Dominatrix, wearing black leather or latex. She is astonishing when She wears the attributes of an Egyptian Goddess. And She is adorable when She wears the traditional dress of a Celtic Princess. And even when She just wears a jogging suit, you easily see Supreme Goddess Lorena is a very special person. To me, Supreme Goddess Lorena is a very beautiful Woman. But what i want to say here, goes beyond beauty in it’s traditional sense. Every picture of Supreme Goddess Lorena shows Her beauty, but it is by looking (and even comtemplating) all of Her pictures that one begins to discover what a complete person She is.
Her dominance
To me, Supreme Goddess Lorena is also complete in Her dominance. Of course, you can easily see Her dominance while She is wearing a dominatrix outfit. But She doesn’t need that outfit or any other outer sign of a Mistress to be a Mistress. You discover this when you start communicating with Supreme Goddess Lorena. What is most remarkable to me is that She is such a nice and kind person, and at the same time there is no question She is the dominant person. Many other dominant personalities i know, need to bully around or even need some violence to comfirm their dominant position. Supreme Goddess Lorena just needs Her natural kindness. So, whereas most people or ‘to dominant to be kind’ or ‘to kind to be dominant’, Supreme Goddess Lorena is just ‘completely kind and completely dominant’ at the same time.
Her Spirituality
Supreme Goddess Lorena is also complete in Her thoughts on Female Supremacy. Many persons just see Female Supremacy as another kind of play, or maybe as a kind of practical psychology to keep a man where you want him. But for Supreme Goddess Lorena it is much more. It is the basis for a solid society, as She wrote in Her novel Femaria, City of Women. And it is a philosophy and even a spiritual path leading to a unity with nature and history for those going the path. Supreme Goddess Lorena writes a lot about these subjects, and every one of Her movies is a beautiful demonstration of it. And i do not know many persons who are as complete in Her talents as Supreme Goddess Lorena. But it is not just that that makes Her complete. What really makes Her complete is that She ‘radiates’ Her philosophy and spiritual path in everything She does. She not only ‘writes’ about Her philosophy, She ‘is’ Her philosophy. She not only ‘writes’ about Her spiritual path, She ‘is’ Her own spiritual path. This is not just about ‘talent’, this is about ‘destiny’.
Her Life
Maybe, if i write about Supreme Goddess Lorena as a ‘complete person’ you think She is a static person, like if you are already ‘complete’ you cannot become ‘more complete’ yet. But it is quite the opposite. Supreme Goddess Lorena is a very dynamic person, and Her personality develops every day. It is like what a great philosopher wrote about a rose. Of course we adore a rose when it is at full blossom, and if we look at the intricate pattern of it’s petals we say it is complete. But even when the rose just starts growing, it is complete already, because it contains everything necessary to become that beautiful rose. Like a rose that grows through the seasons, Supreme Goddess Lorena has Her history. And it was sometimes a history of hardship. But what makes Supreme Goddess complete, is that She has the power to overcome the difficulties and that She really learns from all these difficulties to become a more complete person.
The complete Goddess and the complete slave
As Her worshipper it is a goal in my life to add to the completeness of my Goddess. i do this by working for Her as a slave, because She deserves to be served in all Her needs. And i do this by worshipping Her, because i believe through worshipping Her i release a kind of energy that adds to Her power. And what is so beautiful, while slaving and worshipping, so that Supreme Goddess Lorena becomes more complete in Her completeness, i become more complete too. Of course as a man i can be only complete as a lowly and inferior male, and that means i must try to attach myself as completely as possible to a complete Woman like Supreme Goddess Lorena.
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