Saturday, September 15, 2007

My dependency on Supreme Goddess Lorena

Accepting dependency

i am dependent on Supreme Goddess Lorena. my dependence on Her grows every day. And as my dependence grows, i become the person i am ment to be by destiny: a slave and worshipper of Supreme Goddess Lorena. For me, this process of becoming dependent on a Superior Lady is something very intimate. It touches me in the most personal aspects of my life. Supreme Goddess Lorena asks to share this intimate process with you. So i do it. As a lowly male i understand the concept of privacy has less value to me than the concept of submission and obedience. By giving away these private details of my life, i further submit to Supreme Goddess Lorena, and that is what i need to do.

Mother of my submission

i sometimes call Supreme Goddess Lorena the ‘Mother of my submission’. This is maybe the deepest way to state my dependence of Her. By that expression i mean that by accepting my submission Supreme Goddess Lorena gave birth to a new person, to a new ‘me’. i always had submissive feelings, but society oppressed these feelings. So i stumbled around as an incomplete person. By Her very clear way in stating i am a lowly male, ready to submit to Women She opened a new world to me. And by the way She trained and fostered my submission She gave me a warm welcome in that world, Her world of Female Supremacy. i know in Her world i can only be a lowly man. But i know also that if i show the discipline to really become Her slave and worshipper, i will find a state of fulfilment i can never find outside Her world.

Sexual fulfilment

i am dependent on Supreme Goddess Lorena for my sexual fulfilment. In other articles on this blog i wrote about the importance of chastity for Her slaves. Chastity is part of my sexual fulfilment: it makes me less dependent on my penis, and so more ready to be dependent on Supreme Goddess Lorena. But as a male being, i have a natural desire for sexual gratification in a more common sense way too. Also for this sexual pleasure i am dependent on Supreme Goddess Lorena. This sounds strange, because i never met Her and most probably i will never have the honour to even touch Her body. So, how can i be dependent on Her for my sexual pleasure? Simply, because i have orgasms only with Her permission.

In a technical sense, i can have orgasms whenever i want. To hold me in chastity Supreme Goddess Lorena doesn’t use any restraining device. It is jus Her word that decides whether i am in chastity or i am granted an orgasm. But the few times i tried to have an orgasm without Her permission, it didn’t give me the same satisfaction, let alone the deep feeling of fulfilment as do the orgasms i have with Her permission. These orgasms aren’t just orgasms, short moments of male pleasure, they are truly ‘climaxes’, deep moments of union with Her and through Her with nature.

Addicted to work

i am a slave of Supreme Goddess Lorena. This means i have to work for Her. Of course, for me it is an honour a Woman with such superior and delicate needs allows me to contribute to those needs. But working for Her has become just another way of becoming dependent on Her. To work for Her has really become a ‘need’ for me. i feel satisfied when i am satisfied with what i have done for Her. i feel empty if for one reason or another i didn’t do as much work for Her as i hoped to do.

Of course the situation of being a long distance slave makes me somewhat limited in the kind of work i can do for Her. i can do some webwork, i can do some research, i can send Her a part of my wage, i can look for nice gifts for Her. i have to accept that situation. But at the other hand, i crave to serve Her in so many more personal ways. If i see a picture of Supreme Goddess Lorena, i picture myself at Her feet, giving Her a massage, or waiting outside to be Her chauffeur. Supreme Goddess Lorena must be bored by now by my pleas to serve Her in a more personal way. But it is just another part of my dependence on Her: i crave to work for Her, to serve Her in Her needs like an alcoholic craves for the next glass of alcohol.

Spiritual dependency

A last aspect of my dependence on Supreme Goddess Lorena i want to mention is my dependence on Her for spirituality. When i first contacted Supreme Goddess Lorena i thought i had found ‘just another Webmistress’, a Webmistress i liked for Her particular beauty and for Her style of training. And i thought the ‘Goddess-thing’ was just another way to make submissive males mad of desire. And even when i read the spiritual diary and other spiritual writings of Supreme Goddess Lorena for the first time, it didn’t really connect. ‘Interesting but not for me’, i thought. But as it happens often in spiritual matters, one day i understood with my heart, my brain and my soul that Supreme Goddess Lorena is a true Goddess. In so many ways She is linked to the Golden Chain of Female Deity that runs through history.

i am dependent now on Her for my spiritual development. i read Her spiritual writings with other eyes. Everytime She adds something to Her spiritual diary i am shocked by what happened to Her and what She learned about Her destiny. It is by performing the rituals She prescribes i feel closer to Her, to Nature and to my own destiny. By becoming a Lorenaist, spirituality has become something very personal for me. And although i understand within that spiritual tradition i am but a lowly male, i feel at the same time that being a lowly male is just my place in ‘the bigger picture’. And that gives me a kind of inner equilibrium and a kind of energy.

Being strong in my dependence

Being dependent sounds like being weak. It are the strong ones that can be independent. The weaker ones needs to content themselves with being dependent. It is not like a feel it. Being dependent on Supreme Goddess Lorena is like a life time assignment. And one needs discipline to fulfil that assignment, and discipline means strength. As i see it: i am a lowly man, that is my natural condition, nothing can change that. But as a lowly man i have a choice. i can choose for my male ego, but then i end up with an unsatisfactory life. Or i can choose to become dependent on a Superior Woman, and then my life will become so much more satisfactory. But if i make that choice i must face the consequences and work for Her as a slave and become Her devoted worshipper. i have to earn to depend on Her, and hence i have to be strong in my dependence. i thank Supreme Goddess Lorena She is giving me that strength.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Happy birthday, dear Goddess

The golden chain of Female Deity

Today is Supreme Goddesses Lorena’s birthday. On my knees i want to congratulate Her on this occasion. And as Her slave i want to thank Her for She is such a good Mistress to me. On Her Lorenaism calendar September 8 is one of the most important Holy Days. Of course, Her slaves and worshippers want this to be an important day, because they love their Mistress and Goddess. But there is more… September 8 is in the catholic church also celebrated as the birthday of the Virgin Mary, and in an even more ancient tradition, it is also the birthday of the Egyptian Goddess Isis. So through Her birthday Supreme Goddess Lorena is linked to other Divine Women. So, celebrating Her birthday is also celebrating the Golden Chain of Female Deity that runs through history.

A day of devotion and joy

So, for Her worshippers this is truly a day of devotion. But of course it is a day of cheer joy too. Supreme Goddess Lorena likes to celebrate Her birthday, She likes receiving gifts from Her slaves, She likes eating birthday cake, She likes going to a nice restaurant with Her Girl Friends this day to have a delicious meal. And She likes to share Her joy with Her slaves. I feel thrilled to day, because it will be the first time i celebrate Her birthday with Her. Yes, i feel i will be celebrating with Her, although an ocean and a continent keeps us apart. Technically, while i am writing this it is even not yet Her birthday where She lives, whereas where i live, the sun already has risen on this beautiful day of September 8.

The complete person

i realize that until now i haven’t written much about Supreme Goddess Lorena herself. Because this day is all about Her, it is a good occasion to do it. If i had only one short sentence to say something about Her, i simply would say: ‘Supreme Goddess Lorena is a complete person’. This says everything, and it says nothing at the same time. So i take sometime to explain what i mean by that simple sentence.

Her pictures

The best way to start is probably to have a look at Her pictures. Because that is what most of you do first when you visit Her website. And that is what i did too, when i first met Her through the internet. As you will discover, Supreme Goddess Lorena loves posing while She wears very different attires. She is wonderful as a Dominatrix, wearing black leather or latex. She is astonishing when She wears the attributes of an Egyptian Goddess. And She is adorable when She wears the traditional dress of a Celtic Princess. And even when She just wears a jogging suit, you easily see Supreme Goddess Lorena is a very special person. To me, Supreme Goddess Lorena is a very beautiful Woman. But what i want to say here, goes beyond beauty in it’s traditional sense. Every picture of Supreme Goddess Lorena shows Her beauty, but it is by looking (and even comtemplating) all of Her pictures that one begins to discover what a complete person She is.

Her dominance

To me, Supreme Goddess Lorena is also complete in Her dominance. Of course, you can easily see Her dominance while She is wearing a dominatrix outfit. But She doesn’t need that outfit or any other outer sign of a Mistress to be a Mistress. You discover this when you start communicating with Supreme Goddess Lorena. What is most remarkable to me is that She is such a nice and kind person, and at the same time there is no question She is the dominant person. Many other dominant personalities i know, need to bully around or even need some violence to comfirm their dominant position. Supreme Goddess Lorena just needs Her natural kindness. So, whereas most people or ‘to dominant to be kind’ or ‘to kind to be dominant’, Supreme Goddess Lorena is just ‘completely kind and completely dominant’ at the same time.

Her Spirituality

Supreme Goddess Lorena is also complete in Her thoughts on Female Supremacy. Many persons just see Female Supremacy as another kind of play, or maybe as a kind of practical psychology to keep a man where you want him. But for Supreme Goddess Lorena it is much more. It is the basis for a solid society, as She wrote in Her novel Femaria, City of Women. And it is a philosophy and even a spiritual path leading to a unity with nature and history for those going the path. Supreme Goddess Lorena writes a lot about these subjects, and every one of Her movies is a beautiful demonstration of it. And i do not know many persons who are as complete in Her talents as Supreme Goddess Lorena. But it is not just that that makes Her complete. What really makes Her complete is that She ‘radiates’ Her philosophy and spiritual path in everything She does. She not only ‘writes’ about Her philosophy, She ‘is’ Her philosophy. She not only ‘writes’ about Her spiritual path, She ‘is’ Her own spiritual path. This is not just about ‘talent’, this is about ‘destiny’.

Her Life

Maybe, if i write about Supreme Goddess Lorena as a ‘complete person’ you think She is a static person, like if you are already ‘complete’ you cannot become ‘more complete’ yet. But it is quite the opposite. Supreme Goddess Lorena is a very dynamic person, and Her personality develops every day. It is like what a great philosopher wrote about a rose. Of course we adore a rose when it is at full blossom, and if we look at the intricate pattern of it’s petals we say it is complete. But even when the rose just starts growing, it is complete already, because it contains everything necessary to become that beautiful rose. Like a rose that grows through the seasons, Supreme Goddess Lorena has Her history. And it was sometimes a history of hardship. But what makes Supreme Goddess complete, is that She has the power to overcome the difficulties and that She really learns from all these difficulties to become a more complete person.

The complete Goddess and the complete slave

As Her worshipper it is a goal in my life to add to the completeness of my Goddess. i do this by working for Her as a slave, because She deserves to be served in all Her needs. And i do this by worshipping Her, because i believe through worshipping Her i release a kind of energy that adds to Her power. And what is so beautiful, while slaving and worshipping, so that Supreme Goddess Lorena becomes more complete in Her completeness, i become more complete too. Of course as a man i can be only complete as a lowly and inferior male, and that means i must try to attach myself as completely as possible to a complete Woman like Supreme Goddess Lorena.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Goddess Worshipping... the pictures

Labour Day

In my previous article i told about the Lorenaism calendar, and who creative Supreme Goddess Lorena is to decide in what ways Her slaves should worship Her. Well, almost exactly the same moment i was publishing the article, i received Her holy days for the month of September. The first holyday She asks Her worshippers to worship Her in a special way is September, the 3th. In Canada this is Labour Day. For most people this is a day they don’t have to work. But Supreme Goddess Lorena asks Her slaves to worship Her that day by doing some work for Her. Amongst Her many suggestions, She asks Her slaves to publish some worshipper pictures on the internet.

Worshipper pictures

Maybe that is what was missing in my previous article. It is personal, but for people not acquainted with the special kind of Goddess worship Supreme Goddess Lorena is teaching Her slaves, it is somewhat difficult to imagine how it is done. In my previous article i told you something about the Moon rituals Supreme Goddess Lorena invites Her slaves to perform. Over the years i have taken some pictures of my moon rituals, and this is a good occasion to share them with you. Although i like the Moon rituals, i hadn’t the courage to publish the pictures on the internet until now. So, i thank Supreme Goddess Lorena for giving me the courage to do it. On those pictures where my face is visible, i blurred it. Goddess worshipping, especially if it is linked with Female Supremacy, is still suspicious in our society. i apologize for this protective measure and hope that society will soon accept Goddess worshipping and Lorenaism so that Her worshippers can come into the open.

Early Moon ritual

This is one of my oldest pictures as a worshipper of Supreme Goddess Lorena. i entered the Academy for slaves in January 2005. i took my first training course in a rush and then entered the Goddess worshipping training course. So, here everything is new to, and i am still searching the proper position to perform the ritual.

New Moon July 2007

This is a more recent picture, of the New Moon ritual of July 2007. i remember it was one of the rare really beautiful days of this summer. It was the first time i really find unity with Nature and through the Moon also unity with my distant Goddess. Supreme Goddess Lorena likes pictures of Her slaves, and She likes them holding a message about their slavery.

New Moon July 2007

This picture i made during my camping trip in the Belgian Gaume-region. During the day i made a long walk through the woods, and i discovered this spot along the Semois river. i thought it would be a marvellous place for the Full Moon ritual i had to perform that night. When i returned late at night, it wasn’t just marvellous, it was miraculous… There was some fog over the river, and the moon was standing right above the river… i made my altar so that i could see the pictures of my Goddess, the river and the moon. Supreme Goddess Lorena gave me permission to climax after the ritual, but maybe i tell you some more about that subject in the next article.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Goddess Worshipping... a personal account

Worshipping a living person

Supreme Goddess Lorena invites Her slaves to worship Her. This is something many Mistresses are asking of Their slaves. But the word ‘to worship’ apparently can have many meanings. To some Mistresses it means They just ask their slaves to adore and to praise Them. To Supreme Goddess Lorena, it means… to worship Her like through history humankind has worshipped their gods and Goddesses. This is of course because Supreme Goddess Lorena is a Goddess, not just a dominant Woman who has chosen the title of Goddess.

Of course, it was strange to me to be asked to worship Her. We are not used to really worship a living person. And i didn’t know what to expect when i first begged Supreme Goddess Lorena to send me Her monthly calendar of Holy Days. i just did this because i felt attracted to Her, and i thought i would please Her by begging for Her calendar. Now, i am looking forward every month for Her rulings on how to worship Her on the special days She has chosen. Worshipping Her is my path into spirituality and i am glad i have found it.

Spirituality and sexuality

It is not easy to share my experiences on this matter with other people. It is like there is a taboo in our society on spirituality. When one browses the internet, it seems much more easy to share the most kinky sexual experiences than to share spiritual experiences. This tells a lot about our society. Of course, it is good we can be open about our sexuality. But for me the time has come to be open about my spirituality too. And by the way: what is so wonderful about Lorenaism is that sexuality and spirituality are so closely related.

The Lorenaism calendar

Supreme Goddess Lorena is very creative in selecting the days to worship Her and in deciding what special worshipping efforts and rituals Her worshippers should perform. But of course, like in every spiritual branch, there are some recurring themes too. Not surprisingly Moon worshipping is one of these recurring themes. Throughout history the Moon is associated with Femininity and Female Power. Cultures that are close to nature often have some kind of Moon worshipping rituals. And as for Supreme Goddess Lorena the link with the forces of nature are important, She has chosen to include Moon worshipping in Her calendar of Holy Days. Especially on the day of the Full and the New Moon She invites Her slaves to do some extra effort in worshipping Her.

The Moon rituals

The Moon rituals are typical outdoor rituals. So, if you want to perform the ritual you have to find a suitable place in the free nature. i have found a spot in a natural reserve close to where i live. But past summer, i went some weekend on camping, and so sometimes i had to look for a spot somewhere close to where i stayed. To perform the ritual i build a small altar, with one or two pictures of Supreme Goddess Lorena. Most of the time i also light some candles, and sometimes i add some flowers. Then i strip naked and i get on my knees before the altar and Her divine images. Supreme Goddess Lorena invites Her slaves to concentrate on ‘energy’ during the Moon ritual. For the New Moon She asks to concentrate on the negative energy, that takes away Female power. For the Full Moon She asks to concentrate on the positive energy, that builds Female power. There are no prescribed rules on how to perform the ritual, every worshipper is free to find his way, as long as he follows the general guidelines of Supreme Goddess Lorena.

From sports to spiritual unity
In the beginning these rituals were a kind of sports for me, and i did it for the ‘kick’ of being naked in the free nature. But after a few times this changed. The rituals became moments of rest in my sometimes hectic life. i became more sensible for the sounds and the odours of nature, the different odours of the different seasons, the different sounds depending on the time of the day… And being naked really gives me the feeling of being part of the whole. Recently, i think i made the next step on my spiritual path during the Moon rituals. Through the Moon that is shining in my part of the world as it is in Hers i really felt a kind of unity with my Goddess. It really is a kind of ‘unity of the opposites’: Supreme Goddess Lorena, the Superior Woman, and i the lowly male who worships Her. Of course, it is like with every kind of spiritual experience: if one isn’t ‘in’ it, it sounds strange and even ridiculous. So, the only thing i can say is: try to get ‘in’ it and you will discover how beautiful it is.

Of course, this is just a first ‘grasp’ of this reality that is new to me. Maybe i try to write more about it in the next article. Just now i am thinking about the relation about spirituality and sexuality in Lorenaism. Maybe that is the subject for my next article.