Thursday, July 26, 2007

3th Anniversary of Academy for slaves

bdsm slave Mistress worshipper Goddess training trainer submissive chastity money slavery lowly male penis goddessclub academy for slavesCongratulations

The Academy for slaves celebrates it’s 3 anniversary on July, 28. As a graduate of three of the excellent trainings of the Academy i want to congratulate Supreme Goddess Lorena, the Foundress and HeadMistress of the Academy and all the Trainers. And i hope the Academy has a big future ahead. The Academy has a key role to play in the advancement of Female Supremacy. A lot of men have submissive feelings, but few of them are properly trained to serve Superior Women in all Their needs.


This anniversary is a good occasion for me to reflect on the training i went through at the Academy for slaves. What is most important to me, is that the training changed my personality. Before i entered the Academy i was a man with submissive feelings, but i was on the lose. i didn’t know what to do with these feelings. Now, i consider my submission as the basic dimension of my personality. And it has become a real ‘power’ in my life. Being a slave to the Superior Needs of a Woman is very difficult, and a ‘perfect’ slave doesn’t exist. But because the training worked at the level of my personality, my submission really has become an ‘energy’ that helps me to become a better slave every day. i am grateful to Supreme Goddess Lorena for all Her efforts on my training. Her training really changed my life, and changed it for the better.


Of course i want to recommend the Academy for slaves to my fellow men. As a Female Supremist i think all men can better their lifes by at least following a basic training at the Academy. But especially for these men that are already aware of their submissive feelings, it is a great opportunity to finally do something useful with these feelings. Be a man, face your submission, enter the Academy. Recently, Supreme Goddess Lorena gave me the permission to browse bdsm forums on the internet. And what i read there makes me say that there really is a great need for training of submissive men. i see a lot of men claiming to be submissive, but who are concerned primarily about their penis. i see a lot of men claiming they want to serve the needs of a Woman, but at the same time talking to them in a very rude language. And i hear these men complaining that there is no Superior Woman who wants them. And many times i think: you poor man, a little bit of training at the Academy would help you so much.


At the same time i want to warn all the men who are considering to enter the Academy for slaves. The training is not a ‘play’ and the training is not about your fetishes. The training is about your submission and about the Superior Needs of a Woman. i even want to ask that those lowly males who are only interested in ‘play’ will refrain from bothering the Trainers with their silly wishes. The time of the Trainers, and especially of the HeadMistress is very precious. And if you are not serious about your intentions to become a better slave, you never pass the admission procedure. But even if you are ready, be prepared to the shocking experience the training can be.


But if you want to enter the Academy, i want to comfort you too. The training is shocking and life changing, no doubt about that. But because the training is so personal, the Trainers never leave you alone. The standards of Supreme Goddess Lorena concerning the personal guidance of the Trainers is very high. This is just normal for Her: because She sets high standards for slavery, She sets high standards for those Women that want to train men into their slavery. Of course, there is a general framework for the training. And all trainees must obey the same set of strict rules. But within that framework, all attention goes to your unique personality as a slave. Of course, the main goal of the training is to be a better slave to the Superior Needs of Women. But close to that is the goal of the personal development of the slave. Even after one training course you are more aware of your submission, and you are more proud of it. Just because the Trainers make you understand that your submission is your only way to be close to the Superior Woman you adore.

Circle of slaves

After having successfully completed three training courses at the Academy, i am not in any of it's training courses at this moment, but i am still a full member and i feel just like any of it's trainees. The Academy is like a university. Teaching and research are closely intertwined. Apart from Her educational mission, Supreme Goddess Lorena is very dedicated to the advancement of Female Supremacy. Of course, She leads this magnificent project. But She really invites and encourages slaves to participate in the project. It is somewhat strange. Inevitably, this project leads to deeper submission and more slavery for the men that are involved in it. Yet, Supreme Goddess Lorena has a very faithful and growing circle of slaves who want to go that way. This devotion and dedication is for a great part due to the power of Supreme Goddess Lorena, which is a total and very natural power. It is a sexual and intellectual power at the same time. But because Her power is so natural, it is natural to submit to Her.


As a personal conclusion. The more i submit to Supreme Goddess Lorena., the more i feel i am a complete person: a lowly man, aware of his submission who has found his destiny in serving the Supreme Goddess. my Training at the Academy opened the path to my submission. So i am joyfully celebrating it’s third anniversary. And i keep working on my further submission to Supreme Goddess Lorena, in the hope She one day will considering ownership of me.

in this blog you can read more about the different training courses i toke.
Further recommended reading: this article on the Academy website.

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