Wednesday, April 4, 2007

E-mail and E-motions: slavetraining@the.internet

i feel completely submitted and devoted to Supreme Goddess Lorena. Until now, i never saw Her, and most probably i will never see Her. An ocean and some thousand kilometers split us apart. The internet links us close together. i kneel down, close my eyes and i feel Her foot on my back. Because Her mind is that strong, and the internet makes the mind fly with the speed of light.

Internet and bdsm: a sometimes controversial issue. If i ‘admit’ on an internet forum that i have that kind of relation with my Mistress, some die hard ‘real life’-ers are ready to slam me down. Internet is not the ‘real thing’, you must feel the whip of your Lady to be a ‘real’ slave. The ‘virtual’ internet is for wannabee slaves. But doesn’t the internet necessitates us to redefine what is ‘real’ and what is ‘virtual’?

Not to much philosophy here, personal experience is much more interesting. And i want to share my experience as a slave related to his Mistress by the internet. i do not consider this as the ‘ideal’ relationship. But after my first girl friend ended our relationship that was meant for eternity to get laid by the football team captain and then the next weekend to get laid by the basketball team captain, i stopped dreaming of ideal relationships. Now that i am in my mid forties i know how precious even imperfect relationships are.

In this posting, i want to tell some more about by training period at the Academy for slaves. What is offered at the Academy for slaves is basically e-mail training. You choose a training course and do the assignments of the course. You send in your training reports and the Mistresses of the Academy give you a real close follow up. Simple as that...

... but mindshocking for me. i remember the reactions of my body in the basic obedience course. When Supreme Goddess Lorena instructed me in one of Her articles on what real submission to a Women means, my body shocked like it never did before. When i did reflect on how to be a good slave, i cried. Since that first girlfriend left me at the age of 16, i can count the times i cried on just one hand. Just because Supreme Goddess Lorena did understand how to touch the ‘string of submission’ in my mind and body, She released a flow of emotions i never guessed having suppressed for such a long time. In the training the ‘virtual means’ of the internet were used, but the changes it caused in my personality and my emotional well being were very ‘real’.

Of course, this is very ‘personal’. What works for me, maybe just doesn’t work for you. Because you and me are different persons. But if you are a little bit like me, and the psychology of submission matters to you, then maybe internet training is something for you. If you are just wondering if it isn’t all fake, know that it largely depends on you. If you are committed to dig in your personality and if you don’t ‘fake’ it yourself, it can work.

Is it the most perfect training you can imagine? Certainly not. And if you want the ideas of Supreme Goddess Lorena about the perfect training of a slave, just read Her book ‘Femaria, City of Women’. If you ask me, a few slaps in the face would be helpful to more quickly learn the essential slave rules, a few strokes of the cane would be effective in reminding the right of a Superior Lady to punish a slave at Her will. But as ‘perfection’ and ‘human relation’ are quite incompatible, it is honourable to settle for ‘good enough’. And in the case of my slave training with Supreme Goddess Lorena it was ‘more then i expected’.

Is training at the Academy for slaves the ‘alfa and omega’ of your life as a slave? Most probably not. You train if you want to start something you don’t know, and you train if you have some experience and because you have experience you understand you are failing in some aspects. Then life goes on. Certainly if you want to start your life as a slave, and for you being a slave means really to serve a Mistress (as opposed to hoping a Mistress will cater for your fetishes), then you should consider to take some courses with Supreme Goddess Lorena. You will be proud to present yourself to your Mistress as a well mannered slave who knows how to serve the superior needs of your Mistress. And some of you, maybe, will long to be owned by Supreme Goddess Lorena herself.

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